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Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 2016 Graze Box

I am pretty happy with my Graze Box this month. I have been really careful to go in each month and leave feedback on the items I receive and I think that helps a lot. This month I got some repeat items, a couple I love and a few that are just okay.

So first let's just look at how pretty the box is when you open it. The people at Graze do a nice job of putting this box together and the packaging has been thought out so that the items set stay right where they are supposed to be. I also love that the packaging is all cardboard so it is easy to recycle.

The first item I grabbed out of my box was the Banana Cream Pie mix. Normally I love these mixes of dry fruit and nuts. This one is not as good as some of the others I have gotten in the past. I think that is because the dry banana slices are labeled as being “chewy” I think that is reason that the pecans are also rather chewy instead of crisp and fresh tasting. I am sure they chose this type of dry banana slice for the texture but I think a harder banana slice would have preserved the nuts a bit more.

Next up was the Sweet Rhubarb Jam, another dry fruit mixture. I was a bit worried about this one since I am not the biggest fan of rhubarb but I love it! This is now one of my favorite items I have gotten. The mix of sweet and tangy is perfect in this mixture.

This box held another FlapJack, this time I received a repeat of the flavor. I don't dislike FlapJacks I just don't love them either. Frankly there are other granola type bars that I prefer over these.

The last item on the top layer was the Zesty Line and red Pepper Salsa, this is probably my absolute favorite from this box. I love things I can dip, I love spicy foods and I love the savory options in the box. This one was a winner all the way around.

The first item out of the bottom layer was the Vitamin C Crush. This one was another miss for me. Mainly because the taste and smell of the coconut took over the entire package. All the bits in this one tasted (and smelled like coconut) It isn't that I don't like coconut, I just don't love it especially when it over powers the other flavors. I really would have like to be able to taste the pineapple and mango too.

Herby Bread Basket, I was so happy to see this one making a return to my box. I love this one and am going to save it for when I have time to sit and enjoy it.

Another snack to make a return was the Kettle corn Kern Pops. I am on the fence about these, I don't dislike them but I don't really like them either. When I got them last time I decided to give them another try. If I don't like them more this time I think I will mark them as something I don't like so they won't show up again.

Lastly was the Peach Cobbler, normally I am not a huge fan of these mixtures that contain the fruit with the little cookie things. This one is an exception. The cookies in this one not only taste better they have a better texture and they actually add to the mixture. I do love peaches so I am going to mark this one as a favorite.

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